September 21, 2016

September 24th Philly’s streets will be shut down from 8am to 1pm for the first Philly Free Streets Day.
The point of Philly Free Streets is to close the roadways in the designated areas to cars and open them to Philadelphians. Activities, games, and even group fitness opportunities, all taking place in some of Philadelphia’s major thoroughfares.
Programs throughout the day include:
- Group bike rides and runs
- Learn-to-ride a bike lessons and classes
- Boot camp training sessions
- Group Zumba, yoga, and line dancing
- Games
- Hula-hooping
- An environmental fish ladder tour along the Schuylkill River
- Arts & crafts
- Mural hopscotch and mural maze
- Wellness and social services
- Storytelling
- Multiple concerts and performances
The Free Streets Philly Day route spans from the intersection of Front & South over to the Schuylkill River Trail and up to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, along to Parkside and finishes at West Fairmount Park, a total of 10 miles of fun, games, activities, and dancing in the street. All of this is happening right in our own backyard, Dalian, so come out and enjoy the day!
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TAGS : philly free streets day, street fair
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